Hi Everyone,
I hope you’re all doing well! I wanted to forward you a message from Chris, who expressed his gratitude for the thoughtful thank-you emails he received after the event. Please see his response below:
Hi all,
As predicted, a bunch of you sent me follow up notes over the weekend. Not (necessarily) as predicted, 95% of them were outstanding. Excellent networking hygiene – I’m super impressed.
Among the highlights:
- One of you doing case math on how many follow-up emails I received from the group (you were reasonably close, though you underestimate your classmates)
- Great sarcasm asking in an email, about the culture of the firm
- A (seemingly) genuine understanding that I probably won’t be able to get to all the emails
- Specific takeaways from what I shared that were helpful (I choose to believe they were genuine
- Using personal connections with me in your notes
Seriously, I’m very impressed with the notes. Unfortunately, I won’t have time to respond to most of you (certainly not in anything like a reasonable time-frame), so sending this note to let you know that if you’d sent your emails / LinkedIns to BCGers who hadn’t just presented to 80 students, your hit rate would have likely been very high indeed.
Really appreciate the engagement and love seeing how much of what we discussed you’ve absorbed and incorporated. Keep it up!
Even if I don’t get back to you, please don’t be a stranger. Thanks friends!